
A Week Filled With New Experiences

 Hello, I hope everyone is doing well! Today is the day we leave Costa Rica to head back to Maryville. I am sad to say goodbye to someplace that has given me so many fantastic memories and experiences. The last week here in Costa Rica was filled with so many fun activities, lots of which were fairly new to me.  We got to go white water rafting down the Sarapiqui River! I had never been white water rafting before so I was slightly nervous as to how it was going to turn out, but it was super fun and I had a blast! As soon as we got on the water, with our guide Madri in charge of the raft, I felt the nerves dissipate a little. We stopped halfway through the rafting trip to go swimming and snack on some pineapple. Before the rafting trip we stopped at a local super market and tried all different kinds of fruits, some unique to the Costa Rica area. (Picture of my raft going down the Sarapiqui River with Madri taking the photo) The next day we did a plantation tour with Rodolfo. We got to se

The Wildlife Refuge In Costa Rica

Hello, my name is Delaney Muldoon! I’m going to be a senior at Maryville College where I major in Biology and minor in Health and Wellness Promotion.  I am currently in Costa Rica on a study abroad trip to fulfill my cultural diversity core requirement, but also to learn and immerse myself in the Costa Rican culture. Yesterday we went to visit the Refugio Nacional Gandoca-Manzanillo located in the Limón Providence in Costa Rica. Doing the hike through the refuge allowed us to get to see some of the animals that Costa Rica is home to. Our guide through the forest was a man named Abel. Abel is a local who does these tours through the forest, and he is friends with our guide Madri.  (This was the view as we entered into the rain forest for our hike with Abel.) The refuge was alongside the beach. The beach was to the left as we entered and the rain forest was to the right. When we stepped onto the trail we immediately saw a poisonous dart frog. We saw many red and orange dart frogs but als